Measuring scoops, coloured, PP

Food-safe products according to EU Directive No. 10/2011
Measuring scoops in different colours. Also suitable as weighing scoops. With precisely formed filling edge and comfortable, stable handle. Easily readable volume specification on the upper side of the handle.
Suitable for contact with foodstuffs according to regulation (EU) No. 10/2011.

Types / Sizes

Volume ml Colour Length mm PU Cat. No.
50 red 160 12 395940
50 ultramarine 160 12 395950
100 ultramarine 200 12 396956
250 red 260 6 397940
250 ultramarine 260 6 397950
100 Set: white, red, grey, black, yellow, blue, green, bright blue, ultramarine (1 item each) 200 1 3961111
100 red 200 12 396940
100 gray 200 12 396943
100 black 200 12 396944
100 yellow 200 12 396946
100 blue 200 12 396950
100 green 200 12 396952
100 bright blue 200 12 396955